General rules for all competitions:
Eligibility requirements –
To compete at Wild Wild Westie, you must:
Have a full weekend pass
Register for each competition by the official entry deadline with any required entry fees
Sign a legal waiver
Wild Wild Westie 2024 Competition Rules
Wild Wild Westie J&Js follow WSDC Rules effective July 1st 2024
For current WSDC rules - see here:
Champions Division – WSDC Champion Jack and Jill contest eligibility will be defined as follows:
• Any dancer that has 150+ All Star points or 1+ Champion points is eligible to dance in a WSDC Champion Jack and Jill contest.
• Any dancer that has 225+ All Star points is required to dance in the WSDC Champion division if it is offered and they wish to compete. They may not enter All Star.
• Any dancer that has 10+ Champion points is required to dance in the WSDC Champion division if it is offered and they wish to compete.
Petitions to move up:
All petitions to “dance up” at events that take place after July 1, 2024 must be submitted to the WSDC Chief Judges Committee (CJC) using this link: www.worldsdc.com/level-up-petition/. The CJC will review the competitor’s Points Registry record and submitted videos, and reach out to the competitor for any additional information they need to make a decision. Please note that this new process takes time to complete. The CJC will notify the competitor of their decision to approve or deny the petition within three (3) weeks from the date of submission. Petitions that are approved will allow the dancer to enter that higher-level division for six (6) months at any WSDC event anywhere in the world. Competitors will need to earn at least one point in that higher division in order to keep dancing at that level after the six months have passed.
Petitions to move down:
must be submitted and accepted by a Petition panel – separate petitions are required to move up a division or move down a division. To move down a division, petitions must be filled out and sent to: wwwpetitionsubmission@gmail.com. A separate petition audition may be required by the request of the HJ (Estelle Bonnaire).
Moving down petitions will be due by Friday, July 5th at 10pm CST to the HJ.
Wild Wild J&J
Matched up at random with any level
Exception is for those Allstar & Above – those that are All Star and above may not be matched together
Anyone who Qualifies for All Star, even if they have opted to dance down to Advanced, shall be considered as All-Stars for the purpose of classification in the Wild Wild Jack & Jill only.
Couples are paired up for the duration of the event and will be judged as a couple.
Wild Wild Jack & Jill Rule Clarification for WWW 2023 Due to recent WSDC rule changes and current registration system limitations, competitors who QUALIFY for the All-Star division, even if they have opted to dance down to Advanced, shall be considered as All-Stars for the purpose of classification in the Wild Wild Jack & Jill only. All-Stars and above are eligible for complimentary entry into the Wild Wild Jack & Jill. If you fall within this category and have already paid your Wild Wild entry fee because you are dancing advanced at Wild Wild Westie, your fee will be refunded to you.
Pro Ams
Rising Star